Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Freelance lawyering is part of a new business model for law firms

"With all the attention paid to the AmLaw 100, it may come as a surprise to learn that lawyers can have intellectually challenging -- and financially rewarding -- careers without joining the faceless ranks of mid-level associates." Thinking Big, Staying Small, California Lawyer, May 2008.

This article shares the stories of four California law firms that run successful small, yet high-profile, firms, including Birka-White Law Offices ( in San Francisco. One of the essentials to keeping this law firm's overhead low, the article cites, is his use of independent contractors for support. (the full article can be found at

FreelanceLaw can be a part of finding independent contractors/freelancers that can help you keep your law firm small in overhead, but big in business.

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